Hmm. The past few months I have really ignored my blog, there’s so much that went on that I normally write about but just haven’t. The big thing I don’t think I ever write about was I lost over half of my CDs a couple of months ago (right before Dragoncon) – they were on the back of the car (as they usually are, and they usually get moved before anyone leaves. They’ve been regularly sat on the back of the car for years now, but I suppose it was inevitable that they’d be forgotten one day). Yeah so anyway they were nowhere on our street or the next street… who knows where they finally slid off, but it was a LOT of CDs. It was my 200 CD case, and it was completely full and had extras just stuffed in there so there were more than 200. Quite a few were homemade, but that was all stuff that’s long deleted or stuff I didn’t even have (made by somebody else).
So far the one I’ve felt most is my Last Unicorn soundtrack… that think was bloody expensive in the first place.
Yeah I’m just sitting here missing my The Wall CDs and it made me think of that.
I’m SO TIRED. I was dragging yesterday, it was awful. But the thing is, I’m like tha ALL THE TIME now. At any one point during the day I could just lay down and go to sleep. The floor at works looks so inviting. But I sleep good, I usually get to bed at a decent time and I don’t have to get up early, I can just wake up naturally. That’s what I did today – I’m off today so I slept til I woke up, but even now, I’ve only been up maybe 20 minutes and my eyes hurt and I just want to go lay down and take a nap. Is that normal? I mean, I’ve always been the sleepy sort but it just seems so much worse the past couple of weeks. Maybe it’s the weather change or something.